Wednesday, 12 September 2012


I found a link to Totto-chan's story! We had an excerpt from here in our English text in school. I remember I loved it then. I am looking forward to reading it now! Posting the link here for the benefit of others who remember little Totto-chan!

Life's little pleasures are often the best... You might find Arvind Gupta's site very interesting too.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Limerick (sorta) of a kid

There was a kid
Who fibbed all day,
Simply every single day
And then some more;

But that's just because
he thought his problems,
Would all be solved
Just by running away;

The older he grew,
Increased his problems anew,
Till run no longer
could he bear to.

So he turned around
Fought'em all he did,
Quickly saw them all,
Vanish into smoke grey!