Monday, 2 June 2008


A tribute to his genius. Not only as a wonderful footballer, but also as an awesome marketing guy :D

This was supposed to be posted long back. Somewhere in March. Wanted to edit somethngs, but that is not likely to happen. So decided to post as it is.

David Beckham is awesome. He is a fighter and coming back into the English squad and complete his 100th match is what showcases his fighting spirit. Just a year back he was down in the dumps, McLaren not picking him, not even playing for Madrid. From there he has really taken it upon himself to do things. Leading Madrid to the title, after all his coach put him through is a glimpse of his brilliance. And its not the first time either. It was like this when he was not picked by Sir Alex in that fateful Champion’s League match against Madrid, when he had it in him to come off the bench and score two. Though that didn’t keep him at Man U, it certainly proves that the guy loves a fight and will give his all when cornered.

Maybe I should put up a poster of his!

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