Saturday, 15 December 2007

Feminism and more

Yesterday had a long and fruitful discussion with one of my friends after ages. Life is so hectic that no one has the time to sit and think, discuss, fantasize and philosophize... Enjoyed it a lot. Here goes a part of what we discussed:

Traditionally women have always been 'suppressed', so to say. The poet Manu even goes as far to say that a woman is always a liability. She always has to be taken care of. First by her father, then by her husband and finally by her son. Question is, is that right? S says it is completely true in the context then. Then, there would be foreign invasions and enslavement, markets 'for' women were all part of it. Was it not right then that they were supposed to be taken care of? Obviously, yes.. You would argue it is even a duty to protect your own.

So what has changed today? Today we live in our cocoon, in a human made artificial world, where things are better for women than before. They have the freedom and the opportunity to do as they please, without fear of anything. They can even growl that they are equals- not a step behind men. Blah blah...

Maybe its not so equal in some parts of the world, but still, there is hope...

For me, the truth is, it is not about men and being equal. Its about them being different, and being able to cherish each others differences. And that's why I believe, feminism of the 'women-can-do-this-too' kind is passe. What is the point of bellowing yourself hoarse that you do something. The whole point of equality is lost when you keep declaring women can do this, women can do that. That itself shows inequality, doesn't it?

I feel now is the time for post-feminism, an era where women work hand-in-hand with men, without much ado about it and at the same time appreciating the differences between the not-so-fairer sex and themselves.

Of course, all this is applicable only to urban India, where a woman can atleast choose to live her life on her own, hopefully without pressure to 'find someone'. In rural, or even semi-urban areas, I guess feminist thoughts do have some kind of motivational role to play. But even then, just having a token women president, who doesn't have that kind of stature, isn't going to help things much. (Except maybe we can crow about it...)

The argument against this is that in a marriage, even now, its the woman who is supposed to sacrifice her will for her mate... I don't know how to counter that, nor do I know when that attitude will change, but it will.


Full Of Life said...

Well, the concept of working hand-in-hand is definitely the ultimate target, but to break the ice one does need to scream out. One needs to showcase one's capabilites. once it is recognized, I dont think this 'women-can-do-this-too' will be said too often.
Its a long journey for the rural and urban Indian women though.Nice !

Vidya said...

hey!valid point there - women can do this women can do that only discriminates.. nice post, really liked it! :)